“Call me lucky” - chris smither (2018)

“Common courtesy” - Rusty Belle (2013)

“laserbeams and dreams” - Andy friedman (2011)

“Time Stands Still” - Chris Smither (2009)

“truth & fiction” - rob lutes (2008)

“Kitchen radio” - peter mulvey (2004)

“train home” - chris smither (2003)

“unguarded heart” - Carla ryder and the blue ribbons (2018)

“Still on the levee” - chris smither (2014)

“Cold Satellite” - Jeffrey Foucault (2011)

“Leave the Light on” - Chris Smither (2006)

“Stripping cane” - Jeffrey foucault (2004)

“Rose polenzani” - rose polenzani (2001)

“Wolf Trees” - Zak Trojano (2018)

“Cavalcade” - Cold Satellite (2013)

“Hundred Dollar Valentine” - chris smither (2012)

“Knock it down” - the suitcase junket (2011)

“the Knuckleball suite” - Peter Mulvey (2006)

“golden apples of the sun” - caroline herring (2009)

“back home” - tim gearan (2002)

“The Trouble with poets” - Peter mulvey (2000)